Monday 15th April – programme change

We now have a talk entitled ‘Photo Analysis Workshop: Capture Better Images by Knowing What Judges Look For by Cat Humphries. This should be a very relevant talk as we all aspire to please the the judges !

KLDCC Meeting Monday 8th January 2024

Happy New Year, and we start in style with the British Wildlife / Nature Competition and an Open Competition. Our judge for the evening will be Alan Livingstone. Both competitions are Print. We start at 7:00pm Monday at Springwood School. We hope to see you there, but for those who can’t make it we’ll be […]

Social Night Tonight

Tonight we have a social meeting at the Globe in King’s Lynn. Meeting will start at 7:00 although there are a few people who are getting there at 6:00pm to have a meal before we start the main social event. We all look forward to seeing you there.

Monday Night Black and White!

On Monday night we have an evening of Black and White Printing at SHS.Sounds like another informative session.Also please check the programme page on the website as there have been a couple of changes in early December.

Monday 20th November KLDCC Meeting – Low Key Portraiture

On Monday night, 20th November, at the SHS we will be having a Low Key Portraiture session led by Steve Duncan. This follows on from our earlier Practical Portraiture session on 18th Sept when we explored images taken with full studio lighting. This time we will be using low key lighting to selectively light our […]

Monday Nov 6th – Mike Martin EFIAP, AWPF, BPE1* – Stairway to Heaven

Stairway To Heaven Mike will be showing his brand-new talk with over 100 images charting his love for photographing stairs, steps,escalators etc. Drawing from both new works and Mike’s library of images, no talk from Mike would be complete without a few people and a bit of creativity.” And, if you want to take a […]

Monday 23rd October -Club Social night

Club Social Evening in the Globe in Kings Lynn. Come along and join us. A chance to chat about your camera/s and your photographic aspirations. If you’re thinking of joining the club come along and meet us at 7:00pm, we should be on the lefthand side not far from the main entrance.

Focus Stacking Practical Tonight!

Focus Stacking Practical session at the club tonight (16/10/23).Just bring your camera kit and tripod and a sense of humour.There will be lots of help and encouragement to ensure that you get the most out of this session and add another useful technique to your repertoire.