The Trustees aim to promote equality of opportunity within the King’s Lynn & District Camera Club for all members, guests, volunteers and visitors, irrespective of:
Gender, including gender reassignment
Marital or civil partnership status
Having or not having dependants
Religious belief or political opinion
Sexual orientation
We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
Any member, guest, volunteer or visitor who believes they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation is entitled and encouraged to raise the matter with the Chairman or any other Trustee and the complaint will be dealt with formally by the Trustees.
Every effort will be made to ensure that anyone who makes a complaint is not victimised. Any complaint of victimisation will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially.
3 Dec 2008
All Club members, and Club committee members in particular, are expected to show appropriate and equal standards of courtesy and consideration to all other members of the Club whilst participating in Club activities.